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 閉嘴! Shut up! *常用於吵架等場合,語氣非常嚴厲。 Shut up! I don't want to hear it! (住嘴!我不想聽。) You shut up! (你住嘴!) Shut your mouth。 Keep your mouth shut。 Be quiet! (安靜!) Shut the fuck up. *這是一句語氣尖銳、很難聽的髒話,最好不用。 Can it。 別指手劃腳! Don't be a back seat driver. *這種說法是源於開車的時候坐在司機後邊的人指示司機這麼走那麼走,嘮嘮叨叨地說個不停的情況而產生的一種表達方式。 別大聲嚷嚷! Stop shouting! Stop yelling! (別吵!) Keep your voice down! (小點聲!) 別抱怨了! Stop complaining! *complain “抱怨”。用於針對絮絮叨叨地訴說不滿、痛苦和悲傷的人。 You always come home late. (你總這麼晚回來。) Stop complaining! (別抱怨了!) 安靜點,行不行? Calm down, will you? *calm down “安靜下來”、“鎮靜”、“平息”。 Calm down, will you? (安靜點,行不行?) Okay. I'll try. (好的!我儘量。) 嘮叨什麼呀! Stop nagging! *nag多用於女性。是男性對愛叨叨的、小聲嘟囔的女人說的。因此和stop complaining(發牢騷)的語氣不太一樣。 Did you fix my car? I told you to do it before dinner. (我的車修了嗎?我不是讓你晚飯以前給我修好的嗎?) Stop nagging me! I'll do it. (嘮叨什麼呀!我這就修。) 別再囉嗦了! Get off my back! *直譯“從我背上下來”。這是句慣用短語,表示“少說廢話!別多嘴!”。 But you promised! (可是,你答應我了呀!) Get off my back. (別再囉嗦了!) Stop pestering me! *pester 含有“使人爲難,煩惱”的意思,特別是帶有“纏磨得人難受,使人苦惱”的語感。 Quit bothering me! (別再死氣白賴地纏着我了!) Don't tell me what to do! (用不着你告訴我該怎麼做!) Quit telling me what to do! (用不着你告訴我該怎麼做。) 別跟我頂嘴! Don't talk back to me! *talk back “頂嘴”。帶有孩子對父母、晚輩對長輩還嘴的語感。 I won't do it! (我纔不幹呢!) Don't talk back to me! (別跟我頂嘴!) That's the end of it. (就這樣。) *表示已經沒有商量的餘地。 That's final. (就這麼着。) That's it. (就這樣。) It's settled. (就這麼定了。) *settle “解決、決定(日期)、決定做某事”。因此該句含有“已經決定了,就別再多嘴了”的語感。一般情況下settle 表示決定的用法如以下例句。 Let's meet at 5∶00. (我們5點見吧。) It's settled. (好,就這麼定了。) 多嘴! Big mouth! *直譯是“大嘴”。用來說那些說多餘話的人。 He doesn't have a girlfriend. (他還沒有女朋友呢。) Shut up, big mouth! (閉嘴,用你多話!) You've got a big mouth。 You talk too much. (你真多嘴多舌。) 離我遠點兒! Leave me alone! Hey, baby, what's your name? (嗨!小寶貝,你叫什麼名字?) Leave me alone! (離我遠點兒!) 沒你的事! None of your business. *表示“別多管閒事、跟你有什麼關係,用不着你幫忙,用不着你管”等等。 It's none of your business。 Mind your own business. (先管好你自己吧!) It is not your concern。 It doesn't concern you。 Stay out of it. (你別瞎攙和。) I don't need your input. (用不着你幫忙。) It's personal. (這是我的`私事。) I don't need your two cents. *直譯“我不需要你這兩分錢”。俚語,表示“用不着你指導我,這和你沒關係”。 I don't think you should do that. (我覺得你不該做。) Thanks, but I don't need your two cents. (謝謝,用不着你來說。) 誰問你了? Who asked you? I think you're wrong. (我覺得你錯了。) Who asked you? (誰問你了?) Who cares what you think? (誰管你想什麼!) I didn't ask you. (我又沒問你。) If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked you. (我要想問你的話,早就問了。) 現在不能跟你說。 I can't talk to you now。 我不需要你的幫助。 I don't need your help。 Your kindness is unwanted。 Your kindness is unwelcome。 I don't want your kindness。 給我出去! Get out of here! *語氣強烈地讓人離開某地。口語中連讀。 Get out of here! (給我出去!) They're just kittens. (它們不過是幾隻小貓呀。) Go away! (一邊去!) Get lost! (你給我消失!) *這樣說起到把人轟走的效果。 Take a hike! Leave! 別讓我看見你! Get out of my face! *慣用短語,“離開我的視線”、“躲我遠點兒,走開!”。 Get out of my face! (別讓我看見你!) What did I do wrong? (我做錯什麼了?) Beat it! *俚語。 Buzz off! *buzz 是蜜蜂或蒼蠅發出的“嗡嗡”的聲音。比喻對方像蜜蜂、蒼蠅一樣地吵人,所以該短語表示“你一邊呆着去!” Leave me alone。 躲開! Back off! *打架的時候粗暴地對對方說“後退,躲開!” Step back! (後退!) 別打擾我! Don't bother me! Let's play this game. (玩遊戲吧!) Don't bother me! I have to finish my homework. (別打擾我,我得寫完作業。) 你想把我轟走嗎? Are you trying to get rid of me? *get rid of…“轟走,去掉,擺脫”。Are you trying to…? 帶有“你想試試做……嗎?”的語感。 Are you trying to get rid of me? (你想趕我走?) No, I've just been busy. (不是,我只是太忙了。) Are you trying to avoid me? (你想躲着我?)其他的職場勵志推薦:中式思維的五大邏輯缺陷青春的夢想讓我們不停向前記住,這個世界上沒有絕對的公平!