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肖申克的救贖經典語錄 中英文

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肖申克的救贖經典語錄 中英文

肖申克的救贖經典語錄 中英文


1. 我想唯有自由人才能感受到這種興奮,一個自由人步上漫長的旅程,奔向不確定的未來。

2. 心若是牢籠,處處爲牢籠,自由不在外面,而在於內心。

3. 被上帝遺忘的女孩紙。

4. I look back on the past, committed a felony little fool, I want to communicate with him and let him understand, but I can't do this, the boy would not see the, only my old trunk.

5. It comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.

6. Some people are busy dying, others are busy living.

肖申克的救贖經典語錄 中英文

7. 每個人都是自己的上蒼。如果你自己都放棄自己,還有誰會救你?強者自救,聖者渡人。

8. 體制是一個很奇怪的東西,一開始,人們抗拒它,後來慢慢習慣它,到最後,離不開它。

9. In a quiet place, a person can hear his own thoughts.

10. I have to say to myself that some birds aren't very close. Their feathers are just too bright. When they fly away, you know it's a sin to lock them up, and you'll be inspired by them. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I think I really miss my friends.

11. That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you.

12. Here's where it makes the most sense. You need it so you don't forget. Forget that there are palace in the world that aren't made out of stone That there's a---there's a---there's something inside that's yours, that they can't touch.

13. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing never dies.

14. 還有,安迪,如果你真的到了南方,請在太陽下山以後,替我看看星星,摸摸沙子,在水中嬉戲,感受完全自由的感覺。

15. 那些高牆挺有意思,開始時候你痛恨它們,後來你就適應了。時間久了,你變得離不開它們依賴它們了。這就是體制化。

16. It comes down to a simple choice: not busy living a life, it is a step toward death. Let you sad things, one day, you will say with a smile.

17. It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.

18. 瑞德旁白:到今天我還不知道那兩個意大利娘們在唱些什麼,其實,我也不想知道。有些東西還是留着不說爲妙。我像她們該是在唱一些非常美妙動人的故事,美妙得難以用言語來表達,美妙的讓你心痛。告訴你吧,這些聲音直插雲霄,飛得比任何一個人敢想的夢還要遙遠。就像一些美麗的鳥兒撲扇着翅膀來到我們褐色牢籠,讓那些牆壁消失得無影無蹤。就在那一剎那,鯊堡監獄的每一個人都感到了自由。

19. 告訴他我現在的感受 告訴他還可以有其他的方式解決問題。可是 我做不到了 那個年輕人早已淹沒在歲月的長河裏 只留下一個老人孤獨地面對過去。

20. Red: Let me tell you something my friend: Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.

21. 監獄裏的高牆實在是很有趣。剛入獄的時候,你痛恨周圍的高牆;慢慢地,你習慣了生活在其中;最終你會發現自己不得不依靠它而生存。 這就是體制化。

22. 使勁活下去,或使勁找死。

23. 我依然喜歡好故事,愛聽好故事,也愛講好故事。你也許知道(或在乎),也許不知道(或不在乎),我出版這本和下面兩本書,賺了大錢。如果你在乎,那你也應該知道,在“寫”這件事上,我並沒有得到一文錢。正如其他自發性的事情一樣,寫作本身是超乎金錢之外的。錢當然是好的,不過在創作時,你最好不要太去想錢。這種想,只會讓創作過程便祕而已。

24. Also, Andy, if you really go to the south, please look at the stars, feel the sand, play in the water, feel completely free, after the sun goes down.

25. 在這世上,有些東西是石頭無法刻成的。在我們心裏,有一塊地方是無法鎖住的,那塊地方叫做希望。

26. 記住,希望是好事--甚至也許是人間至善。而美好的事永不消失。

27. You'd say he did it to please the guards. Or maybe it's in order to do a good job with us. And I thought he was just to experience the feeling of a normal person again, even just for a short moment.

28. 我希望,太平洋的海水,和我夢中的一樣藍[]。

29. He strolled…like a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world. Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place.

30. Here’s where it makes the most sense. You need it so you don’t forget. Forget that there are palace in the world that aren’t made out of stone That there’s a---there’s a---there’s something inside that’s yours, that they can’t touch.

31. 當你生活在壓力鍋中時,你得學會如何生存,也學會放別人一條生路,否則會有人在你的喉嚨上劃開一道口子。你得學會體諒。

32. 我也曾熬過孤寂長夜。

33. 在我們心裏,有一塊地方是無法鎖住的,那塊地方叫做希望。

34. 我發現自己是如此的激動,以至於不能靜靜地坐下來思考,我想只有那些重獲自由即將踏上新徵程的人們才能感受到這種即將揭開未來神祕面紗的激動心情。我希望跨越千山萬水握住朋友的手;我希望太平洋的海水如同夢中的一樣藍;我希望……

35. en you get used to’em. Enough time passes, gets so you depend on them.

36. People alive is to free, everyone is his own God, if you have to give up yourself, who will save you. Everyone is busy, some are busy living, some are busy dying. Busy ambitions of you, busy tea m Bu of you, stop to think a second: your brain is not a has been institutionalized, your God in where? A prisoner, hope can make you feel free, the strong man can save.

37. takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.

38. I hope the Pacific is as blue as I dreamed it was.

39. 有的人忙着死,有的則人忙着活。

40. 我想她們該是在唱一些非常美妙動人的故事,美妙得難以用言語來表達,美妙的讓你心痛。告訴你吧,這些聲音直插雲霄,飛得比任何一個人敢想的夢還要遙遠。就像一些美麗的鳥兒撲扇着翅膀來到我們褐色牢籠,讓那些牆壁消失得無影無蹤。就在那一剎那,肖申克監獄的每一個人都感到了自由。

41. 有的人忙着死,有的則人忙着活。

42. 汲汲而生,汲汲而死。

43. 有些鳥兒天生就是關不住的,它們的羽毛太鮮明,歌聲太甜美、也太狂野了,所以你只能放它們走,否則哪天你打開籠子餵它們時,它們也會想辦法揚長而去。

44. 我想我只有一個選擇:要麼忙着生存,要麼忙着死。

45. There are only two things in life that are busy living and dying.

46. There are some things in this world that cannot be carved into stone. In our hearts, there is a place can not be locked, and that place is called hope.

47. 這就是音樂的美麗。他們無法把這種美麗從你那裏奪去。

48. 生活可以歸結爲一種簡單的選擇:不是忙於真正的生活,就是一步步地走向死亡。讓你難過的事情,有一天,你一定會笑着說出來。

49. If the heart is a cage, if it is a cage, the freedom is not outside, but in the heart.

50. You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.

51. ld life blown away in the blink of an eye ,nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.

52. I have to remind myself that some birds don’t mean to be caged . Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up. DOES rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they’re gone. I guess I just miss my friend.

53. 他們饒你一命,但是卻奪走你生命中所以最重要的東西。

54. 懦怯囚禁人的靈魂,希望可以令你感受自由。強者自救,聖者渡人。

55. I look back in the past, the little fool who committed a serious crime. I want to talk with him, want to tell him about the truth of life, tell him what is right and wrong. But I do, the child is gone, I am only one old man.

56. 我希望我能越過邊境,我希望太平洋同我夢想的一樣蔚藍,我希望再見我的朋友,同他握手,我希望。

57. 短暫的瞬間,漫長的永遠

58. 我發現自己是如此的激動,以至於不能安坐或思考。我想只有那些重獲自由即將踏上新徵程的人們才能感受到這種即將揭開未來神祕面紗的激動心情。我希望跨越邊境,與朋友相見握手。我希望太平洋的海水如同夢中一樣的藍。我希望。

59. Every man is his own God. If you give up yourself, who will save you? Everyone is busy, some are busy living, some are busy dying. Busy ambitions of you, busy fuel you, stop to think a second: where is your God? Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save.

60. 瑞德話外音:我們坐在太陽下,感覺就像自由人。見鬼,我好像就是在修自己家的房頂。我們是創造的主人。而安迪——他在這間歇中蹲在綠蔭下,一絲奇特的微笑掛在臉上,看着我們喝他的啤酒。

61. 有的人羽翼是如此光輝,即使世界上最黑暗的牢獄,也無法長久將他圍困!

62. 到今天我還不知道那兩個意大利娘們在唱些什麼,其實,我也不想知道。有 些東西還是留着不說爲妙。

63. A person's value should not be measured on the day of his worst.

64. 瑞德,希望是件美麗的東西,也許是最好的東西。美好的東西是永遠不會死的。

65. Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save.

66. 生活可以歸結爲一種簡單的選擇:不是忙於真正的生活,就是一步步地走向死亡。

67. 用一支手洗淨另外一支手的罪孽。

68. 那是一種內在的東西,他們到達不了,也無法觸及的,那是你的。

69. This is all mature adults will choose a road for people like us, we know that in between the divine and the triad member and a second choice. So you will strike a balance between gains and losses, the two victims of the right to take its light, try to put good faith in front of.