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1、獲得愛情你可以隨便用什麼辦法,而保持愛情卻需要智慧。For love in any way you want, and keep the love is need of wisdom。


2、即使說一千遍我愛你,但只要一句分手就可以結束。這就是愛情。Even if I love you times, but as long as a break up can end。 This is love。

3、愛情,不是一顆心去敲打另一顆心,而是兩顆心共同撞擊的火花。Love, not a heart to beat another heart, but two heart to crash sparks。

4、愛情需要薄薄的一層憂傷,需要一點點嫉妒、疑慮、戲劇性的遊戲。Love thin layer need to be sad, need a little jealousy, doubt, dramatic game。

5、對於世界而言,你是一個人;但是對於某個人,你是他的整個世界。To the world you may be one person, But to one person you may be the world。

6、愛情就是兩個人互相的征服,惟有徵服才能保持長久的愛情。Love is two people the conquest of each other, but the conquest to maintain lasting love。

7、煽情的話有時只是一個形式,它遠遠替代不了所付諸的行動。Emotional sometimes is just a form, it is far to put into action by can't be replaced。

8、愛情是個變幻莫測的傢伙,它渴望得到一切,卻幾乎對一切都感到不滿。Love is a changeable guy, it is eager to get everything, but on almost everything。

9、談戀愛就像射擊一樣,精確度雖高,但大部分都需要憑感覺去完成。Fall in love, like fire, precision is high, but most need to go by feel complete。

10、把愛情比做海之藍色,因為它寬廣、清晰、透明,永遠都不會褪色。Love than the sea is blue, because it is broad, clear, transparent, will never fade。

11、真正的愛情不僅要求相愛,而且要求相互洞察對方的內心世界。True love requires not only love each other, and it requires insight into each other's inner world。

12、感情是複雜的,有理智的時候它是固體,失去理智的時候,它就變成了液體!Feelings are complex, the reasonable when it is a solid, irrational, it becomes liquid。

13、愛就是開啟心扉,讓它自由地流淌,讓對方看得到、聽得到、感受得到。Love is to open your heart, and let it flow freely, let the other side to see, hear and feel。

14、女人總是希望她是他的最後一個女人;男人總是希望他是她的第一個男人。Women will always hope that she is his last woman; Men always hope that he is her first man。

15、對任何事情都表現坦誠,包括自己的錯誤,這樣的女人終歸會贏得重視!Show honest about everything, including your own mistakes, this woman will ultimately win the value!

16、愛,就大聲說出來,因為你永遠都不會知道,明天和意外,哪個會先來!Love, just say it out loud, because you never know, tomorrow and accident, which will come first!

17、女人用耐心化妝來掩飾自己的面容;男人用故作深沉來掩飾自己的內容。A woman with patience makeup to hide his face; Men use pretended to deep to hide their content。

18、如果你想被別人愛,你首先必須使自己值得愛,不是一天,一個星期,而是永遠。If you want to be loved, you must first make ourselves worthy of love, not one day, a week, but forever。

19、愛的反面不是恨,而是漠不關心。如果你恨一個人,說明你還在乎他。The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference。 If you hate a person, that means you still care about him。

20、適當地用理智控制住愛情,有利無弊,發瘋似的濫施愛情,有弊無利。Properly use rational control of the love, good has nothing to lose, without love like crazy, disadvantages。

21、愛情在開始的時候,總是甜蜜的,以後就有了厭倦,習慣,背棄,寂寞,絕望和冷落。Love in the beginning, always sweet, later had tired, habits, and break, lonely, despair and cold。

22、聰明的女人會嫁給愛她的男人做老婆;愚蠢的女人會嫁給她愛的男人做老婆。Wise woman will marry a man who loved her wife; A foolish woman will marry her love of man to do his wife。

23、學會用理解的,欣賞的眼光去看對方,而不是以自以為是的關心去管對方。Learn to understand and appreciate the vision to see each other, not in order to opinionated care to pipe each other。

24、愛情使有些鳥顯出它們身上最美麗的顏色,使誠實的心靈表現出最高尚的成分。Love makes some birds show them is the most beautiful colour, make honest heart showed the best ingredients。

25、男人為了顯示年輕就和比自己小的人在一起,女人為了現實年輕就和比自己老的人在一起。To display young men with younger people, young woman to reality and old people together than they are。

26、如果有人沒有按你所希望的方式來愛你,那並不代表他們沒有竭盡所能地愛你。If someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't do what we can to love you。

27、好的愛情是你通過一個人看到整個世界,壞的愛情是你為了一個人捨棄世界。Good love is you see the whole world from one person, bad love is you abandon the whole world for one person。

28、世界上最美妙的感覺是:當你擁抱一個你愛的人,他竟然把你抱得更緊。Greatest feeling in the world is that when you embrace a of the person you love, he should have held you more tightly。

29、男人像陳釀老酒,隨時間推移越發珍貴;女人像鮮嫩的牛奶,保值期很短。Men are like old both tasteful and alive over time more precious。 Women like fresh milk, BaoZhiQi is short。

30、男人追女人,臉皮厚的比臉皮薄的佔優;女人追男人,臉蛋俏的比臉蛋醜的佔優。Men chase women, thick-skinned than thin face of dominant; Woman after a man, face qiao's dominant than face the ugly。

31、真愛一個人,就要儘量讓他開心,他開心了你就會開心,那麼雙方就有**了。True love a person, be about to try to make him happy, he happy you will be happy, then both sides will have passion。

32、一群女人在一起的時候,會討論相貌問題;一群男人在一起的時候,會討論財富問題。A group of women together of the time, will discuss appearance; A group of men together, will discuss wealth。

33、如果石頭也會流淚的話,我想做一顆頑石靠在你心裡哭泣,至少,還可以感受到你的溫度。If the stone will tears, I want to do a stone on your heart cry, at least, still can feel your temperature。

34、你永遠也看不到我最寂寞時候的樣子,因為只有你不在我身邊的時候,我才最寂寞。You'll never see my most lonely time appearance, because only you're not here with me when I most lonely。

35、若不得不分離,也要好好地說聲再見,也要在心裡存著感謝,感謝他給了你一分記憶。If have to separate, also want to say goodbye, also want to himwith gratitude in your heart, thank he gave you a memory。

36、現在在一起,可能在一起,即將不在一起的,記住我這句話:錯過了,就有可能永遠不會再來了。Now together, may be together, is not together, remember this sentence: I missed, and it may never come again。

37、女人攢私房錢是為了將來花在老公身上,男人攢私房錢是為了將來花在其他女人身上。Woman is saving money to spend on her husband in the future, man is saving money to spend on other women in the future。

38、女人比較不那麼容易有慾念,對著自己心愛的男人,有時候一個溫柔的擁抱已勝過一切**。Women are less likely to have desires, for his beloved man, sometimes a tender hug is better than all the passion。

39、愛情的元素有些是預料不到的,不管我們會從其中獲得快樂還是痛苦,都應該事先做好準備。Love is elements of some unexpected, whether we could achieve happiness or suffering from it, should be prepared in advance。

40、愛情,只有情,可以使人敢於為所愛的人獻出生命;這一點,不但男人能做到,而且女人也能做到。Love, only love, can make the person dare for loved ones lost their lives; Not only that, a man can do, but a woman can do it。

41、人類總想知道愛情是什麼?可最終才明白,愛情只是一種追求,根本無需知道答案。The human always want to know what love is? Can finally understand that love is just a kind of pursuit, there is no need to know the answer。

42、青年人無法無天,玩弄愛情;中年人食髓知味,追求愛情;老年人寂寞無聊,回憶愛情。Youth to lawlessness, playing with love; Middle-aged people know taste food pulp, the pursuit of love; The old lonely, memories of love。

43、真正的愛情是什麼?它是一種信任,不是猜疑。懦弱的心理和猜疑,只會讓對方離你越來越遠。What is the true love? It is a kind of trust, not suspicion。 Psychological and suspicion of weakness, it will only make you more and more far away。

44、你在孤獨、悲傷的日子,請悄悄地念一念我的名字,並且說:這世上有人在懷念我,我活在一個人的心裡。You are lonely, sad day, quietly read a read my name please, and say: this world someone miss me, I live in a person's heart。

45、結婚前男人借錢也要讓女人吃好;結婚後女人借錢也要讓男人吃好。Before she got married the man borrow money to also want to let a woman eat well; After getting married women to borrow money to also want to let a man to eat well。

46、如果你懂得珍惜,你會發現你獲得的越來越多;如果你一昧追求,你會發現你失去的越來越快。If you know how to cherish, you will find that you get more and more; If you geared pursue, you will find that you lose faster and faster。

47、愛不需要解釋,卻又可以解釋一切。雖然愛情只是眾多情感中的一類,但它遠比其它來得深刻。Love does not need to explain, but can explain everything。 Although love is category of the many feelings, but it is far more profound than other。

48、愛情是心中的暴君;它使理智不明,判斷不清;它不聽勸告,徑直朝痴狂的方向奔去。Love is the tyrant of the heart; It makes the reason is unclear, judgment is not clear; It doesn't listen to reason, just ran to the direction of the crazy。

49、愛情來到的時候,你會感到她的一切都會牽動著你的心,對她的關心勝過自己。對她的思念,一刻也沒有停止過。When it came to love you can feel her all affects your heart, care about her more than yourself。 To her thoughts。 A moment didn't stop。

50、所有愛的苦都要自己承擔,那是你自己種下的因種下的果,和別人沒有關係,別人來關心來問,也只是隔靴搔癢。All the bitter love to own, it's your planted by planted fruit, have nothing to do with others, to care about others to ask, just tap。

51、舉得起放得下的叫舉重,舉得起放不下的叫負重。可惜,大多數人的愛情,都是負重的。Afford to put down is called weightlifting, lift called weight will not fit。 Pitifully, most of people love, are bearing heavy burdens when they are。

52、當你真心愛一個人時,那人除了有崇高的才能外,他還有一些可愛的弱點這也是你愛他的重要關鍵。When you really love a person, that person in addition to a lofty to, he still has some lovely weaknesses which is important to you love him。

53、談戀愛就像喝一杯水,剛開始是為了解渴,喝下去之後,便滲進了你的血,入了你的骨,不知不覺不可或缺。Love is like a cup of water, just began to quench thirst, drink it, then into your blood, into your bones, unconsciously is indispensable。

54、男人最尷尬的事情是老婆喝多了纏著自己的朋友;女人最尷尬的事情是老公的朋友喝醉了纏著自己。Man is the most embarrassing thing wife drank too much pestering his friends; A woman the most embarrassing thing is the husband was drunk and his friends。

55、在眼淚即將流下來的時候,我們應該學會倒立,因為只有那樣,才能把眼淚送還到本應屬於眼淚歸宿的眼睛裡。At the time of tears will flow, we should learn to handstand, because only in that way, to get back her tears to the eyes should belong to tears end-result。

56、正像和火藥的親吻,就在最得意的一剎那煙消雲散。最甜的蜜糖可以使味覺麻木;不太熱烈的愛情才會維持久遠。Just like the kiss, and gunpowder in most proud moment。 The sweetest honey can make taste numb; Not too passionate love will keep long。

57、愛情,是每個人都很嚮往的東西。它無形卻有形,它能給你帶來**與快樂,同時,也能給你帶來悲傷和傷痕。Love, is what everyone is yearning。 Intangible tangible, it can bring passion and happiness to you, at the same time, also can bring you grief and wounds。

58、男人最傻的時候是第一次穿西裝上班的時候,女人最傻的時候是第一次穿吊帶裙上街的時候。When a man is the most stupid is wearing a suit to work for the first time, when a woman is the most stupid is the first time I wear a skirt with shoulder-straps street。

59、和一個生活習慣有很多差異的人戀愛不要緊,結婚要慎重,想想你是否可以長久忍受彼此的不同。And a living habits have a lot of differences between people in love does not matter, married carefully, think about whether you can tolerate each other for a long time。

60、愛一個意味什麼呢?這意味著為他的幸福而高興,為使他能夠更幸福而去做需要做的一切,並從這當中得到快樂。What a mean love? This means that for his happiness and pleasure, to make him to more happiness and do need to do everything, and get pleasure out of this。

61、女人總是平時怕男人色,上床又嫌男人不色;男人總是平時嫌女人騷,上床又怕女人不騷。Women are always afraid of men, at ordinary times to go to bed and don't think men don't color; Men always too SAO woman at ordinary times, go to bed again afraid woman not SAO。

62、一個男人真正動了感情的時候,他的愛較女人的愛偉大得多,可是從另一個方面觀看,女人恨起一個人來,倒比男人持久得多。A man really move feeling, his love is greater than women love, but from another aspect, since women hate a person, it is much more durable than men。

63、太陽的位置在天,松樹的位置在山。愛情是一種位置,適合你的位置,才會使你感到牢固和香甜。The position of the sun in the day, the location of the pine trees in the mountains。 Love is a kind of position, is suitable for the position, you will only make you feel strong and sweet。

64、幼稚的人和幼稚的人在一起沒什麼問題,成熟的人和成熟的人在一起也沒什麼問題,成熟的人和幼稚的人在一起問題就多了。Childish and naive people together will be a problem, mature and mature together also will be a problem, mature and childish question is much more together。

65、只要一分鐘就可以碰到一個人,一小時就可以喜歡上一個人,一天就可以愛上一個人,但需要花盡一生的時間去忘記一個人。As long as one minute can run into a person, an hour to like someone, a day may fall in love with a person, but need to spend all lifetime to forget someone。

66、嘴裡說著不再讓對方受到傷害,但是在不經意間卻傷害了對方。愛情的甜蜜裡總包含著讓人無法捉摸的感傷。His mouth speak no longer to hurt each other, but inadvertently hurt each other。 The sweetness of love always contains makes it impossible to locate the sentimental。

67、曾經滄海難為水,除卻巫山不是雲。可是如果我還沒經滄海或是剛到滄海打了個轉就回來,而且也沒到過巫山就一頭鑽進了圍城怎麼辦啊。Once the sea touch water, is not good。 But if I'm not by the sea or just back to the sea made a turn, but also haven't been to wushan is turned into a siege how do ah。

68、男人和老婆的關係再差,他和岳母的關係也是好的;女人和老公的關係再好,她和婆婆的關係也是差的。The relationship between man and wife again, his relationship with his mother-in-law is good; Woman and man again good, the relationship between she and her mother-in-law's relationship is also poor。

69、男孩對女孩說如果我有一碗粥,我會把其中一半給你。女孩長大後,嫁了人,但她總是想起男孩的話,她覺得那才是她一生中的最愛。The boy said to the girl if I have a bowl of porridge, I'll give you half of them。 Girl grew up, married, but she always think of the boy, she felt that is the love of her life。

70、愛情不會因為理智而變得淡漠,也不會因為雄心壯志而喪失殆盡。它是第二生命;它滲入靈魂,溫暖著每一條血管,跳動在每一次脈搏之中。Love will not become indifferent because of reason, also won't lost because of ambition。 It is the second life; It into the soul, warms every blood vessels, beats in every pulse。

71、男人追求女人,是迅猛出擊,但結果往往雨過天晴;女人追求男人,則緩慢滲透,卻可以滴水穿石。Men's quest for a woman, is a rapid attack, but the result is always after a storm comes a calm。 Woman in pursuit of a man, is a slow penetration, but it can be constant dropping wears away a stone。

72、真正的愛情,應該是兩個人,彼此理解,互相尊重,不纏繞,不牽絆,不佔有,然後相伴,走過一段漫長的旅程。如果我遇見你,就會緊緊抓住你。A true love, should be two people, understand each other, respect each other, don't entangled, don't stumbles, possesses not, then, through a long journey。 If I met you, I will hold you tight。

73、不要讓愛人只是用猜想知道你的關愛,而是要讓對方時時感受到你的心意,這就是你用嘴巴告訴對方你的愛,還需要用行動來表達愛的程度。Don't let the love just by guess know you care, but to allow each other always feel your heart, this is your mouth tell someone you love, you also need to express love in action。

74、每一次戀愛的時候,都要全心投入,即使受過傷害,也別有所保留;只是你要變得聰明,但不是功利,這樣,在結束的時候,你才不會有遺憾。Every time I fall in love, want to devote, even been hurt, and don't have reservations; Just what do you want to become smarter, but not the utility, so, in the end of you don't have regrets。

75、愛情是這樣一種東西:當你需要它的時候,它是一杯檸檬茶——酸、甜、苦;當你不需要它的時候,它又是一杯白水,淡得近乎讓人覺得有點煩。Love is something like this: when you need it, it is a cup of lemon tea, acid, sweet, bitter; When you don't need it, it is a cup of water, light, almost make people feel a little tired。

76、幸福,不是長生不老,不是大魚大肉,不是權傾朝野。幸福是每一個微小的生活願望達成。當你想吃的時候有得吃,想被愛的時候有人來愛你。Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food of rights in one's hand。 Happiness is every tiny life desires to achieve。 When you want to eat, want to be love someone to love you。

77、愛可以是一瞬間的事情,也可以是一輩子的事情,每個人都可以在不同的時候愛上不同的人,不是誰離開了誰就無法生活,遺忘讓我們堅強。Love is a moment can be things, also can be a lifetime thing, everyone can fall in love with different people in different time, is not who left who cannot live, forgotten let us strong。

78、愛是一種奇怪的東西,忽閃忽滅間的深刻,成長在彼此心裡。最美麗的故事沒有結局,最浪漫的感情沒有歸宿,最幸福的愛情沒有言語,最深刻的喜歡沒有空間!Love is a strange thing, between the bit and the profound, grow up in each other heart。 The most beautiful story without end, the most romantic feelings have no home to return to, the most happy love no words, the most profound love no space!

79、男人永遠也不知道女人為什麼要男人給買這買那?因為她們自己知道,其實男人真的要買,她也會阻止的,她會懂得為他省錢,而是想試試他是不是真的肯為自己花錢。Man never know why women want men to buy this buy that? Because they know that in fact men really want to buy, she can also stop, she will know how to save money for him, but want to try if he really willing to spend money for himself。

80、人人都有缺點,談戀愛的男女雙方都是如此。問題不在於找一個全無缺點的物件,而是要找一個雙方缺點都能各自認識,各自承認,願意逐漸改,同時能彼此容忍的伴侶。Everyone has faults, fall in love of men and women both parties。 The drawback of the problem is not to find a no object, but to find a can both disadvantages their knowledge, their recognition, willing to change gradually, can tolerate each other's partner at the same time。

81、在這場追追趕趕的遊戲裡,我在逃時,你在追,而我在追時,你確在逃,或許有時候人生就如此吧。過份的去相信永恆,天真的相信一張白紙構造出的愛情能有多純真。In the chase chased out of the game, when I was on the run, running after you, and when I was running after you was on the loose, maybe sometimes life is so。 Too much to believe in eternity, naively believe that could have a piece of white paper constructs the love more pure。

82、有一種痛叫捨不得,欲要擁有而又不能前進一步,欲要離開而又無法捨棄,生來多情而又無情,左右不得,徘徊不得,只能觀望心痛無語,只能聆聽心已遠離。斷根,斷念,斷不了愛。There is a kind of pain called loathe to give up, to have and cannot be further, to want to leave and cannot be abandoned, was born affectionate and ruthless, or so can not, not to linger, can only wait-and-see heartache speechless, can only listen to heart have been away from. Increased, broken, broken love.